Contrary to the popular belief, Chiropractic is not about moving bones, but rather recognizing the innate ability we as humans have to organize, regulate and heal.
As humans we take information from our environment, integrate it through our nervous system, and express accordingly. Being human, there are thresholds that exist which limit our ability to organize, regulate and heal efficiently. As common stressors from our daily life start to compile, these limits are reached and information becomes stored in our mental, emotional and physical bodies. We like to call these places of storage, potential, because it helps us recognize that something could be different. Chiropractic care allows us to work towards freeing that potential, providing a much more suitable environment for your system to organize, regulate and heal effectively.
At Frame of Mind we shift the lens in which people view modern healing care: from a place of reactivity to a much more proactive endeavor. In turn the way you support your system will forever be changed.
This work is not about what one can gain, rather what you are willing to let go of. Come by, slow down for a bit and truly start to heal.